
In most cases, you will not need to write your own custom recursive functions. You can usually rely on functions like to transform data and functions like List.foldl to crawl over values and accumulate some information. Definitely prefer this approach!

Now, that said, you will occasionally find cases where you want to write your own recursive functions. I think most programmers just feel how to write functions like this, but that is extremely unhelpful as advice! I introspected on how I write recursive functions, and I recognized two major strategies that I use all the time. I hope they help you out!

Strategy One - Pretend You Are Done

When writing recursive functions, there are two crucial steps:

  1. Start with a case. Destructure your data and see how far you can get with each branch.
  2. Pretend you are done. Pretend you already implemented the function and try to use it!

So imagine we want to get the length of a list without List.length or List.foldl. Step one is to use case on our list:

length : List a -> Int
length list =
  case list of
    [] ->

    first :: rest ->

Great, those are the two scenarios. If the list is empty, the length is zero, so we can fill that in.

length : List a -> Int
length list =
  case list of
    [] ->

    first :: rest ->

In the other case, we get the first value and another list representing the rest of the values in the list. Well, we know we have one value, but how long is the rest? Remember step two: pretend you are done. That is what length is supposed to do, so let’s just use that!

length : List a -> Int
length list =
  case list of
    [] ->

    first :: rest ->
      1 + length rest

It definitely takes time to get your brain trained to think this way, just like it took time for for loops to feel natural. The only way to improve is to practice! Speaking of practice...

Exercise: Define a sum function that adds up all the integers in a list.

sum : List Int -> Int
sum list =

Remember to (1) use case and (2) pretend you are done!

Strategy Two - Helper Functions

The “pretend you are done” strategy is neat, but sometimes it is not enough. If you ever find yourself thinking that you feel like you need more information to make it work, it is time to create a helper function! Let’s see how this works with the reverse function.

reverse : List a -> List a
reverse list =

One way to approach this would be to chomp elements from one list and put them directly on a second list like this:


This means we want to keep track of a second list as we recurse through the first list. When you need extra information, break the recursion into a helper function with more arguments like this:

reverse : List a -> List a
reverse list =
  reverseHelp list []

reverseHelp : List a -> List a -> List a
reverseHelp list reversedList =

This reverseHelp function is going to be recursive, so like always we should try to (1) use case and (2) pretend we are done. So first we break up the list:

reverse : List a -> List a
reverse list =
  reverseHelp list []

reverseHelp : List a -> List a -> List a
reverseHelp list reversedList =
  case list of
    [] ->

    first :: rest ->

If list is empty, we want to give back the reversedList. If list has a first element, we want to put it on reversedList and keep going.

reverse : List a -> List a
reverse list =
  reverseHelp list []

reverseHelp : List a -> List a -> List a
reverseHelp list reversedList =
  case list of
    [] ->

    first :: rest ->
      reverseHelp rest (first :: reversedList)

And there we go, a reverse implementation!

This foo and fooHelp pattern is quite common. The fooHelp part lets you carry around extra state as you recurse through some data structure, and the foo part lets you hide those details from people using the function. So reverseHelp carries an extra list around, and reverse gives the initial [] to make the public API nicer.

Like with the first strategy, the best way to get used to thinking this way is to practice!

Exercises: Reimplement length with strategy two. Only make changes in lengthHelp though!

length : List a -> Int
length list =
  lengthHelp list 0

lengthHelp : List a -> Int -> Int
lengthHelp list lengthSoFar =

When you get that, do the same for the sum function.

sum : List Int -> Int
sum list =

For the sake of this exercise, the sum function can never call itself!


We covered the two main strategies in writing recursive functions:

  1. Use case and pretend you are done.
  2. Create a fooHelp function that carries extra state around.

Both come up any time you need to write a recursive function yourself. That should be relatively rare given library functions like List.foldl,, etc. but at least now you are better prepared for when the time comes!

Finally, it definitely takes some time to get used to thinking this way, just like it took time to get used to thinking with for loops. Do not get discouraged! It is hard for everyone at first, and the only real way to get acclimated is to practice!

More Exercises: A great way to practice writing recursive functions is to try to implement everything in the List library yourself. Some good ones to try are:

Try using strategy one and two on each and see how they go. Try to get a feel for when to reach for them.

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